Planning For Problem Formulation In Advice-Giving Dialogue
We d i s t ingu i sh th ree main , over lapping act ivi t ies in an advice-giv ing dialogue: p r o b l e m fo rmula t ion , resolut ion, and exp lana t ion . T h i s pape r focuses on a p rob lem formu la t ion ac t iv i ty in a d ia logue m o d u l e which in te rac t s on one side wi th an exper t p rob lem solver for financial inves t ing and on the o the r side wi th a na t u r a l l anguage front-end. Several strategies which reflect specific aspects of person-machine advice-giving dialogues are realized by incorporating planning at a high-level of dialogue.
منابع مشابه
A Framework for Soliciting Clarification from Users During Plan Recognition
In previous work, we used plan recognition to improve responses to users in an advice-giving setting. We then characterized when it was worthwhile to engage a user in clarification dialogue--the cases where plan ambiguity mattered to the formulation of a response. Our current research develops detailed algorithms for selecting what to say during the clarification dialogue. We propose a default ...
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